05.04.2023Opening hours

Opening Hours During Easter 2023

Pääsiäisen aukioloajat 2023

Auction House Helander is closed during Easter between Friday the 7th of April and Monday the 10th of April. If you decide to participate in our auctions during Easter or plan to visit our chamber, please note these changes in our opening hours. 

Purchased items should normally be paid and collected within 5 days of the end of the Auction, but Easter extends the payment and pick up schedules automatically.


Opening hours


Both our customer service and the chamber are closed during Easter from the 7th of April to 10th of April. Please note that we are closed even on Saturday the 8th of April.


Reception of goodsDelivery of goods and cashier
Mo-FrSatWeekend and national holidaysMo-FrSatWeekend and national holidays
Customer service by phone
Mon-FrWeekend & public holidays

The Ongoing Online Auction

The 24/7 Ongoing Online Auction is up and running 24 hours a day, every day of the week. New items are being added every day. Out of the ordinary closing days (such as Easter holidays) will automatically extend the pick-up time for purchased items. 

Browse the selection here >>>

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