The November 2018 Main Auction will be held on Saturday 3rd of November and the Auction Catalogue has now been published. As usual, there are especially fine selections of furniture, lighting fixtures, designer bags and accessories, jewellery, art and sculptures available.
Catalogue Release:
The November 2018 Auction Catalogue was published on Monday the 29th of October at 10 am.
Absentee and phone bids:
You may leave your absentee or phone bids immediately after the Auction Catalogue is published until one hour (1 h) prior to the auction.
Open House:
November 2018 Auction Open House takes place on Friday the 2nd of November from 12 pm to 7 pm and on the auction day Saturday the 3rd of November from 10 am to 11 am. All of Auction House Helander’s Open Houses are free of charge and open to all.
November 2018 Auction will be held on the 3rd of November starting at 11 am.
Collecting your items:
You may collect your items during the auction, ending 30 minutes after the sale, and between Monday the 5th and Wednesday the 7th of November, from 12 pm to 5 pm. Please note, that we are closed on the day after the sale (Sunday 4th of November).