Front pageAuctions


Helander holds two kinds of auction:

1) online auctions

2) special auctions (can be online or hammer auctions)

1) Online auctions


An online auction is held online only. In an online auction, bidding begins when the Lot is posted and ends when the lot is closed. The lots are closed in at a predetermined time. There is no auctioneer in an online auction.

Online auctions feature the so called two minute rule, meaning the closing time of an item is extended by two minutes starting from the last bid, provided the bid is made less than two minutes before the item’s closing time.

For Example if the item closes at 6:00 pm, but a bid is left at 5:59 pm the new closing time for the item is 6:01 pm (+ 2 mins from the last bid). The sale is ended only after no new bids have been made for the item during the last two minutes.


Your bid is the highest price that you are willing to pay for the lot in question. The Automatic Bidding will raise your bid on your behalf by the minimum increment and notify you if another bidder exceeds your bid. Bid raises are done according to the Bid increment scale, and you will be included in the bidding up until the maximum you set.


You may view the lots being auctioned in the catalogue. A viewing is held before each auction. For more information on auction timetables and the lots, see the event page.



2) Hammer auctions


We only organize hammer auctions in special cases. You can take part in the hammer auction and submit bids as soon as the catalogue is posted. You can submit a bid in any of three ways:

  • by submitting a bid via the catalogue
  • by making a bid on site in person, using a bidding paddle
  • by making a bid online during the auction, i.e. while the catalogue is in the Live state


A viewing is held before each auction. For more information on auction timetables and the lots, see the event page.



3) Special auctions


We also hold customised auctions on commission, known as special auctions. Our partners in these in the past have included Konstrundan, the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation, Osuuspankki, Stora Enso sekä Konepaja.


Proceeds from special auctions are generally donated in part or in full to charity to support arts, culture, children, or the natural environment, which are causes that are important to us. Because every special auction is unique, see the event pages to find out how to take part.


Our Experts


Mika Sirén

CEO, Broker, Entrepreneur

Petri Parikka

Curator, Broker

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